Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wet Spring in West Michigan

Wow what a wet April we had here in West Michigan I measured 7.59 inches of rain and melted snow at my location! We also saw 86.3 inches of snow for the 2010-11 season which is about normal for our location. We have been spared the really severe weather that other parts of the country have been experiencing.If you would like to see the current weather conditions here in West Michigan or other weather data and also some historical information go to our website for Marne, MI and the rest of West Michigan.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! 2011 is going to be an exciting year for, we plan on adding exciting and informative pages in the coming year. If you live in West Michigan we hope to be your source for weather information and if you don't live in West Michigan that's alright there is plenty of information on for weather buffs like me . So check us out and come back frequently.

Marne,MI Weather provided by

Ludington Harbor Lighthouse



Marne, Michigan, weather forecast